Biking and Mountain Biking
Relaxing bicyle tours, long drives, steep climbs or flowing trails – everything is possible
Relaxing tour which starts directly at the hotel
We start our tour at the parking lot for the Seeerg tennis courts. We drive along the small stream towards Geitau. After roughly 1.2 km we keep to the left and drive along the base of the Seeberg until we reach the transformator house at the Leitzach. We take a left again here and drive past the Klarerhof over the Mieseben towards Geitau.
The Wendelstein calls
High up on the highest mountain in the region
Starting from the parking lot at the Wendelstein cable car (km 0) - through Osterhofen towards Bayrischzell (km 3). Further along the Sudelfeldstraße through the city center towards the Alpenstraße (B307). You follow this road roughly 3 km uphill and 200 m before the peak we turn right towards the Mountain Café Sudelfeld (km 7).
Around the Tegernsee
A relaxing bike trail around the Tegernsee
The bike trails around the Tegernsee are well equipped with signs and roadmarkers. Of course there is a multitude of options to stop and eat, as well as beaches to cool off in the warm seasons.
Around the Rotwand
Challenging tour around the mountain mass at the Spitzingsee
From the Forstgasthof Zipflwirt (km 0) - with a mild climb towards the Kloo-Ascher-Tal where you find the „Winterstube“ (km 2.8). Here you follow the „Elendgraben“ and steadily climb and the narrow valley along the river until you reach the Elendalm (km 6.5).
After further 0.5 km the peak of the trail, the Elendsattel (km 7.0), is reached. Down the mountain towards Valepp (km 12.2). From here on out you follow the road towards the Spitzingsee (km 17.2)..